Сообщение добавлено 28.9.2010, 0:11
простите не сдержался, но :*?:;%ли ;%:?*й. Вот честно!
Ладно, хрен с нами, безграмотными. У ученых людей 2 кольца и 3 кольца - все с маслосъемными в сумме. Поэтому не надо тут съезжать с дороги и типа все итак понятно. вот как раз всем и понятно, что вы ропять заврались. Вам показать 4-тактный поршень без маслосъемных колец, думаетете не бывает? или просто не будете позориться и промолчите?
Masaaki Takiguchia, Hajime Andob, Takahiro Takimotob and Akiyoshi Uratsukab
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Musashi Institute of Technology, 1-28-1, Tamazutsumi, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, 158, Japan
Graduate School, Musashi Institute of Technology, 1-28-1, Tamazutsumi, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, 158, Japan
Received 10 July 1995.
Available online 19 February 1999.
This study was aimed at clarifying the characteristics of oil film thickness, piston friction and oil consumption in the two-ring piston. Through experimental studies it was found that the oil film thickness of the two-ring piston is thinner than that of the three-ring piston due to the greater amount of blowby through the piston. As a result, increase of oil consumption of the two ring piston was kept to the low level of the conventional three ring piston. A quantitative analysis on the friction force and the relationship between the oil consumption and oil ring movement were carried out using the unique measuring device developed by the authors.
Excuses are like assholes: everybody's got one